How Often Should You Oil Your Hair? A Comprehensive Guide - UPSCALP

How Often Should You Oil Your Hair? A Comprehensive Guide

How Often Should You Oil Your Hair? A Comprehensive Guide

Hair oiling is a time-honored tradition rooted in many cultures around the world. It’s known for its numerous benefits, from promoting hair growth and reducing dandruff to adding shine and preventing split ends. However, the question of how often you should oil your hair can be confusing. The frequency of oiling your hair depends on various factors, including your hair type, scalp condition, lifestyle, and personal preference. This guide will help you determine the best oiling routine for your hair.

Understanding Your Hair Type

  1. Oily Hair:  If you have oily hair, your scalp already produces a significant amount of sebum. Over-oiling can make your hair greasy and weigh it down. For oily hair types: 2-3 times a week.
  2. Dry Hair: Dry hair often needs more moisture to stay healthy and manageable. Regular oiling can provide the necessary hydration and prevent breakage. For dry hair types: 3-5 times a week.
  1. Normal Hair: If you have a normal hair type that is neither too oily nor too dry, you can maintain a balanced routine that doesn’t overdo it. For normal hair types: 3-4 times a week.

Personal Preference

Your personal comfort and preference play a significant role in determining how often you should oil your hair. Some people enjoy the ritual of a weekly oil massage, while others might find it cumbersome and prefer to oil less frequently.

Tips for Effective Hair Oiling with upscalp

  1. Choose the right oil for you: we currently have our upscale Hair & Scalp Reviving Serum for Thin & Oily Hair, and one for Thick & Dry hair.
  2. Glide the device on your scalp: Gently Glide the device from front to back of the scalp in a slow combing motion. Repeat for up to 10 minutes until all desired areas have been treated.
  3. Leave It On: Leave the oil on for at least an hour before washing it off. For deeper conditioning, you can leave it overnight and wash it off the next morning.
  4. Shampoo Thoroughly: Ensure you wash your hair thoroughly to remove all oil residue, which can attract dirt and make your hair greasy.


The frequency of oiling your hair depends on various factors, including your hair type, scalp condition, lifestyle, and personal preferences. By understanding these factors, you can create a hair oiling routine that best suits your needs and helps you achieve healthy, shiny, and strong hair. Whether you choose to oil your hair once a week or several times, the key is consistency and choosing the right oil for your hair type. Happy oiling!